wega Informatik AG - building the bridge between Business and IT
January 25, 2021
Model and inspiration for a digital lab
We would like to share with you our vision and concrete ideas of what a digitalized laboratory should feel like!
This is made possible by robust standards such as SiLA (connectivity), AnIML (data) and BPMN (process).
Our Digital Lab in a Nutshell serves as vivid and tangible inspiration to make these abstract standards tangible and visible.
Based on this, we have created a concrete showcase of what a modern, digital laboratory could look like. We would be happy to demonstrate this in an online session or at a personal meeting.
Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us using the contact form below.
Please also see our series of videos on this topic:
- Look & Feel of a Digitalized Lab (QC Sample Preparation)
- Connect Legacy Lab Devices (SILA Converter Box)
- Digital Lab Workflows BPMN Workflows
- Power of Connectivity Standards SiLA Client and SiLA Server
Here you will find further information on the relevant standards:
SiLA https://sila-standard.com/
BPMN https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Process_Model_and_Notation
AnIML https://www.animl.org/