Determine Chromatography Instrument Utilization in Real Time
Written by Lukas Graubner
Are you interested to know the utilization of your chromatography instruments in your laboratories?
As part of a support project with a customer, we were looking at how to simplify and speed up this data collection process.
The aim was to simplify the predominantly manual and very time-consuming steps within the chromatography data system. In the concrete case, to replace the rather cumbersome Chromeleon® Injection Queries and its reporting, which are limited to only one data container at a time.
After a few hours of investigative work together with the customer, we were able to display the desired information of all available data containers (Chromeleon® Data Vaults) within seconds at the push of a button.
This makes it possible to determine the acquisition time of each chromatograph within a defined period of time. In this example, the number of injections and sequences was also extracted.
A graphical presentation of this information in a report using Power Bi (or other visualization technology) is then just the cherry on top and relatively easy to generate.
Utilization information of chromatography equipment in your laboratories can also be used as a basis for decision making. Until now, however, the collection of this information has been far too time-consuming.
We can support you in the implementation of a customized solution that can provide you with the desired data within seconds.