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Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)
Laboratory Execution Systems (LES)

Services relating to laboratory information management systems (LIMS) and laboratory execution systems (LES)

High demands are placed on a laboratory from various sides, here are just a few examples:

Laboratory operators expect good quality results with predictable costs.

External bodies expect compliance with regulatory requirements and correct results.

Laboratory managers want an environment that can be quickly adapted to new requirements and allows them to work efficiently. Automation should make time-consuming work easier and reduce paperwork.

The quality assurance wants a system that makes every process traceable, ensures data integrity, enables the harmonization of reporting and the validation of results and allows a digital approval process. And all of this must comply with current regulations and standards.

The IT wants centralized, scalable and stable software with as little maintenance and configuration effort as possible. In addition, cost efficiency and, nowadays, relocation to the cloud are driving factors.

The laboratory technicians want an easy-to-use system that can be used without a great deal of training.

The selection, implementation, configuration, validation, maintenance, archiving, decommissioning, operation or an update must therefore be carefully planned, implemented and documented.

We would be happy to support an individual project phase or the entire decision-making and implementation process for your system with the following services:

Services We Offer

You will be supported by experts with dual qualifications (e.g. chemistry & IT training/experience) who know the processes and procedures in laboratories inside out and and who have have gained experience in many projects in a wide variety of environments

You will receive a comprehensive analysis of your current "As Is" and the future "To Be" processes as a basis for improvements.

The requirements for your future laboratory system are defined in the form of a user requirement specification precisely and comprehensibly documented. They serve as the basis for the selection and subsequent acceptance of the new system.

Experts from wega support you in the selection of providersl and accompany you in the provider presentations with neutral expert knowledge. Find She laboratory system which suits you and with which you successful in the long term be successful in the long term.

We offer you services in project management (classic and/or agile), as well as configuration, implementation and data migration, change management and training. We help with the implementation of FAIR (FindabilityAccessibilityInteroperability,Reusability) Data principles and work with you to create archiving concepts for your existing data.

In qualified environments (e.g. according to 21 CFR part 11 or ISO 17025), you need a validation plan and further services based on this. Our validation experts have already successfully completed many validation projects with certifications.

We provide complete and partial system maintenance for you and support you in the further development of the systems.

Automated data transmission eliminates one of the biggest sources of errors. We implementing interfaces to instruments or other software systems. In doing so, wer on standards such as SiLAAnIMLetc

"The disadvantage of intelligence is that one is constantly forced to learn." (George Bernard Shaw).

We help you to learn with customized training concepts, which we are also happy to organize and conduct.

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    Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)