wega Informatik AG - building the bridge between Business and IT

October 19, 2021

New article online at Wiley Analytical Science

We are pleased to draw your attention to this very relevant article by Daniel Juchli, published by Wiley Analytical Science:

Standardization in Lab Automation (SiLA)

Next generation laboratory automation standard

What does digital transformation mean in the laboratory? Are you thinking about automation? Connectivity? Or even machine learning or artificial intelligence?

The mission of SiLA is to create international standards that enable open connectivity in laboratory automation. SiLA's vision is to create interoperability, flexibility and resource optimization for the integration of laboratory equipment and software based on standardized communication protocols and data specifications.

SiLA promotes open standards to enable the integration and exchange of intelligent systems in a cost-effective and simple way.


You can read the full article here.

Labor IT Services Basel D. Juchli